Tease and Denial

Tease Denial – Orgasm Denial – Videos

Teased and locked up by Lindsay Lohan

Posted by on Dezember 18, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized

Did you ever think about Lindsay Lohan to lock your tiny dick up in chastity? You won’t ever have an orgasm when she is in charge and owns the key to your chastity device…

Brittany’s perfect body

Posted by on Dezember 15, 2010 at 3:17 pm in Uncategorized

Mistress Brittany knows exactly that your tiny dick was locked up by her sister Lisa Jordan, but she can’t help – she always loves having losers like you doing things for her she wants. And what else would work better than having your brain nicely fucked up and drugged in arousal so you would do anything for her…


Posted by on Dezember 6, 2010 at 9:08 am in Forums

Links to forums:
This Site looks like a Social Network for orgasm-denied users, as the name already promises. There are many members and the site is still growing. The right choice for anyone who would like to get some like-minded people.

This big boards has more then 15835 users and its still growing. People are discussing and talking about anything that deals with tease and denial – a very great board for the experienced tease-and-denial fan.